Monday, June 15, 2009

Donkeys among us.

I don't use foul language. Not usually. Unless I'm REALLY mad about something. Then, forget about it. All decorum and politeness goes out the window. I'm trying to do better. Most of the time I succeed. That said...

This morning on my way to work, I saw one of my neighbors (theDonkeys) cut off another driver. You know the Donkeys. They're everywhere. I'm sure they've got a branch of the family living right next to you. Once I tell you their names, you'll say, "Oh, THEM. Yeah. I see THEM all the time."

First up, there's JACK,
and his sister IMAN (that would be pronounced "I'm an," not "E mon")
Next we've got the twins: HEZAN and SHEZAN
and the twins' older sibling: WHATAN
Last, but not least, the truck-driving cousin: HAUL.

So, how many Donkeys do you have lurking around in your neighborhood? Do tell.


  1. What do you mean you don't swear? I learned the word "crap" with ya! :P

  2. Bela - That is hilarious! It's a good thing I wasn't drinking anything. It would have come out of my nose! I miss you.

  3. I would've paid good money to see diet coke or fresca come out your nose!

  4. Yes..I DO know the Donkey's...they seem to have a VERY big family!
