Friday, June 12, 2009

allow me to introduce myself

Hello. My name is Teresa. I live in Tennessee. I opened this account in 2006 and have never used it. I'm going to jump in now because several friends are blogging and I'd like to keep up with them. Yeah, yeah, I'm a follower, not a leader. Whatever!

I'm also a funny, sarcastic, irreverent, twisted, oddball with a "unique" view on life. Hence the tag "Suck a Lemon." What the heck is that all about? Well, I just can't follow that trite old saying, "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Who the heck carries sugar and a pitcher around with them where ever they go?! Hello people, not me! I've got enough crap to carry without adding to the burden. Not to mention, I'm just too darned lazy to go through the process of mixing and measuring and stirring and all that garbage that goes with "making lemonade." Forget that crap!

When life hands you lemons, suck on them and make funny faces! It's instant gratification and people will wonder what in the world you're up to. When tragedy falls on me, it usually lands right on my head and knocks me out for a while, leaving a huge goose-egg. However, I'm usually able to see the humor in the tragedy within a short amount of time (often as they're stitching me up).

I'm not perfect. (I only pretend to be. I figure if I tell myself how wonderful and perfect I am, I might actually hit the mark some day.) Oops, I digress. Sorry. As I was saying, I'm not perfect. Heaven knows I've got a nasty temper and a bad attitude. However, at the same time (how's this for an oxymoron?) I'm also loving, kind-hearted and nurturing.

I may initially be totally torqued about some perceived slight, freak out and go on a tirade about it. What I lovingly refer to a a meltdown. However, in couple of minutes it's over, I'm calm and rational. I can actually dissect the situation, realize I over reacted, apologize to whomever I've offended and go from there. Assuming that I was wrong; which most of the time I am. If I was right and I was wronged (great sentence, huh?), I don't hold grudges. I'm (usually) just as quick to forgive as I am to apologize.

I'm difficult to get to know. I have to "feel you out" to see if I'm going to be comfortable around you. But if I find that you are in my comfort zone, you have found a psycho-bizarre funny friend for life. I'm kind of like a 2-legged lab. You know about Labrador retrievers, right? One minute you want to kill it, the next minute your laughing your butt off because of its silly antics. Gotta love those labs!

I don't really know what else I could write. If you want to know anything, ask and if it's not too intrusive, I'll answer. The friends that I mentioned who are blogging? They're Bela, Amber, Lindsey, Melissa, Melanie and I'm sure I'll find some more as I wander around in cyberspace. If you happen to run into them, give them a hug from me and tell them to stop by and say hi.

Until the next time...


  1. Fantastic job on your first blog entry T! You summed yourself up pretty accurately and who WOULDN'T want a psycho-bizzare funny friend??? Spices things up, keeps us from being dull!! So glad to see you join the blogging world.

  2. Thanks Amber. Have fun at YW camp. I'll see you when you get back.

  3. Yay, Teresa!!!!!!!!!! Now you just need an account with facebook!
    I'm glad you're blogging now. Also glad I'm one of those that made it to your "comfort zone" and has you for a friend. Love ya!
