Monday, October 12, 2009

Whining Like a Baby

I'm cleaning the "TV" room. This is day two. Day one consisted of removing huge amounts of dirt/dust, throwing numerous things in the trash and mopping the dog pee/poop off of the floor. I was really hoping the smell would come out with just the Oxyclean and hot water. It did.

So, day two and I'm STILL removing huge amounts of dirt and dust and throwing stuff away. I have no idea how in the world she spent HOURS in that room with the smell and dirt. And she had the audacity to chide me about the dog hair in my room. (Yes, there was enough to make a Great Dane when I finally cleaned up, but at least there was no biological waste in there!)

Oh, and she used the lamp shades as pin cushions. Man that really ticks me off! There are pin holes in the lamp shades. What is wrong with her? She got up to get the stupid needle and thread, she can't get up to put it away? NO, she had to stick the darned needle in my LAMP SHADES because, well, obviously that's where they go. It's a fashion statement, don't you know!?

I'm really looking forward to the first call from my sister saying, "Why didn't you tell me that Mommy..."

Oh, yeah. Can't wait. Wonder how long it's gonna take.

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